The Great Impact of Yoga on Anxiety

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Anxiety has become one of the world’s most prevalent diseases in a world characterized by hecticness and stress. When anxiety is long-term and too much, it creates many physical and mental symptoms that spoil the quality of the lifestyle. Some of them have symptoms such as too much worrying, agitation, being grumpy, and tensed muscles, among others, and they cannot concentrate well enough.

Reduction of stress is one of the significant advantages that Yoga offers towards anxiety.

Yoga provides an atmospheric environment of relaxation resulting from physical postures, controlled breathing, and meditation. The stress response is triggered when you practice Yoga, and it is countered by the activation of the body’s relaxation response.

With time, one feels more connected to the body through Yoga and learns to breathe in order to let go of unnecessary tension.  Awareness of such makes it possible for one to intervene before anxiety turns into a panic attack or severe anxiety attack. Yoga helps in dropping unwanted thought patterns and judgment.  Individuals will have less self-criticism and inferiority feelings that will be triggered mainly by the anxious.

Some styles of yoga practice controlled breathing techniques, including pranayama, to help reduce anxiety levels.  The way to deal with anxiety as it happens is to include particular breathwork in your yoga. For instance, doing the 4-7-8 breathing method, which involves breathing in for four seconds and holding for seven seconds before breathing out for eight seconds, will quickly help calm down during an anxiety attack.

Through yoga for anxiety, people get to know their thoughts and inner sensations, and, in reality, they start to get the feeling again that they’re in command of their minds.Regular yoga practice may increase flexibility, reduce muscular tension, and make one generally relaxed, thereby enabling one to remain physically comfortable and less prone to anxious triggers.

Majority of the people find comfort and support in yoga communities. Social support by joining a yoga class or other community can help to combat the anxious feeling of being alone and disconnected by reducing stress levels.

Yoga brings a sense of empowerment and a feeling of self-efficacy to individuals experiencing anxieties. With time and as people progress in yoga practice, they have an inner experience that gives them a taste of mastery over their bodies and their minds.


Yoga helps them with a number of life coping skills that they can apply on many occasions. For those seeking natural and holistic means to deal with anxiety, Yoga may be the solution as it embodies the ancient wisdom that will work wonders for body mind balance.

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